Ingrid is a San Francisco-based, licensed acupuncturist with a passion for treating the diseases brought on by stress, over-stimulation and modern life. She uses the healing modalities of acupuncture, healing touch, mindfulness, herbs, and a nourishing diet to help people find their way back on to the middle path. Chinese medicine is all about finding the areas of life out of harmony, and moving towards balance. Step, step, step and soon you are dancing!
Ingrid is a detective. Like any good detective, she has different ways to look at the same problem, which helps her diagnose and treat more effectively. She uses the cutting edge diagnostic tools of western functional medicine and its valuable lab tests as well as traditional Chinese diagnosis.
Ingrid is an artist. She’s an acupuncturist, but within that container there is an artist alive and well. She believes creativity energizes and enlivens us, and expression in some form is important for being a vibrant human. She loves to paint, doodle and create big colorful messes in the kitchen. Her patients benefit from her art spirit because finding a way to health takes creativity. She helps them paint the picture of a brighter health vision, and can be creative about all the ways to get there.
Ingrid is a gardener. She takes her gardening outside to her little urban plot of leafy greens, and inside the gut by cultivating a more healthy microbiome, the community of microorganisms that call us home. She is bridging the research coming out about the microbiome, and traditional practices to support a healthy and bio-diverse inner ecosystem.
Ingrid received her masters in Oriental Medicine at Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, Colorado. She has a Bachelors of Science in biology and a minor in horticulture. She spent three years living in China and experiencing Chinese medicine firsthand in neighborhood clinics, hospitals, apothecaries and kitchens and has great respect for the culture and its healing arts. 510.473.7179 |